Lunar Eclipse in Ann Arbor! At my brother's place, we (brother Blair, sister-in-law Nell, niece Jessica, niece's friend Katie) braved the cold (occasionally) to watch the total lunar eclipse. [For information about why lunar eclipses occur, please see the link below for the Jan 2000 eclipse ... this one was much warmer!] For this eclipse, I set up a tripod with a digital camera, with a lens heater (to keep it from frosting over). As we watched Ice Age on DVD (very appropriate to the weather) and Emperor's New Groove, we kept hopping outside to watch the eclipse (and occasionally reset the camera as the Moon moved out of the view). The nice thing about the digital camera is that the images are ready (no development), and more importantly, they are "registered" relative to each other. Thus, in Photoshop, I could load all the images as layers, and then just clip the moon from one layer, and paste it down on the main layer .. in exactly the correct position relative to the others (making it like a multiple-exposure shot). Occasionally, I had to reset the camera position (and/or exposure setting) - so the final composite is a little "uneven" in exposure .. but, you can see the transition as the moon moves into the shadow of the Earth, and then back out again. See the Jan2000 eclipse page for information about the color of the moon during the eclipse!
Q: What is the color of the Universe? (I put a white border around the answer it so you can see that the Universe is really "off white" .. a "lighter shade of the the Universe".) |
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