Last Updated = Sunday, 10-Nov-2019 13:41:35 EST Of the 122 people that have visited this site, you are the most recent.
Here is a web video I did to explain Mercury transits and give details on the 2019 one (we in Detroit might get snowed out!)
Here are links to the PDF slides from the talk (uninked or inked) : Mercury2019/MercuryTransit2019.pdf Mercury2019/MercuryTransit2019_inked.pdf
Here is a nice NYT interactive page :
Here is Fred Espenak's excellent 2019 Transit page:
Links to webcams around the world that would be showing the transit live (in case you aren't able to watch locally) (from
Viewing in the Quad [Open to the Public!!] *IF* we have clear skies, we will be setting up in the quad at LTU - Monday 11/11/19 starting a little before 10am (need sun to rise above buildings). You can find the LTU campus (basically corner of 10 mile and the Lodge-10 freeway) via our school map page: Also, below I'll post an image of the map, with an indicator of where you should find us in the center quad (park in Science building parking lot, off the southbound service drive to the Lodge .. or the lot just north of that).
Plus, we will have two telescopes that are set with solar filters, thus you'll be able to see a magnified view of the sun! Now, these viewers are "white light" viewers - we won't see any prominiences from the surface .. but, if we are lucky, there might be some sun spots, and we would be able to see those!!