AstroWeek 2006 with Dr. Scott!

Seasons, Retrograde, and Alignments, Oh my!

Tuesday Feb 21st - 12:30 pm - S321 - as part of the Arts&Sciences Seminar Series

Powerpoint presentation (zipped - 413Kb)     [pdf version 334Kb]

Web pages to go along with presentation (there are links buried in the PP file, but I prefer to run it externally ... and screenshots for some of the software that isn't available here):

Sadly, after the talk, I received an interplanetary threat on the windshield of my Jeep! My scientific analysis of this note leads me to determine that it was written by none other than Marvin the Martian! I direct your attention to the fact that Mars is mentioned .... also, the signature phrase at the end! Clearly, I must conclude that I am correct in my analysis of Marvin's {inaccurate!} claim that the Earth obstructs his view of Venus. I will not be silenced ... but if I should disappear from this Earth, I direct those that would avenge me (AVENGE ME!) to look in the direction of the Red Planet (fourth out from our Sun)!

Who's 'Bary Center' and what does he have to do with the Solar System or the Earth-Moon system?

Friday Feb 24st - 12:00 Noon - S304 - on behalf of the Society of Physics students (SPS)

Powerpoint presentation (zipped - 194Kb)     [pdf version 156Kb]

Web pages/files to go along with presentation (screenshots for some of the software that isn't available here):

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