Main Christmas Page for 2000

Oh, Christmas Tree ... Uh Oh, Dr. Schneider-Tree?

I was walking in from the parking lot this morning, and a bunch of elves jumped me and Tannenbaum-ed me!

Follow these links for other pictures :
1) If you find me today (12/15/00) .. I'll give you a tree-shaped candy!!
2) Where are the presents for the tree .. at the "foot" of the tree!
3) Yes .. I glow in the dark! (via my Bat-Battery Pack!)
4) I'm not just visual .. I'm an audio experience! The tie barks!

Have I gotten psychologically more healthy since last year? .. You be the judge.

Christmas Fun from the Internet

No Santa ??
Twas the Night before Implementation
Twas the Night before a Chemistry Christmas
The Government's view of Christmas
Do the Christmas Mash
A Mac Christmas
A Chemistry Christmas
A Physics Christmas

Know of any more?    Let me know!

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Can you say 'Ho Ho Ho' 142 times?