[Hover your mouse over the "answer" to see the popup answer.]
If you are having trouble getting the mouseover answers to show up, try this page (warning: all the answers are revealed openly on that page!)
1) Who is the voice of the speaking Grinch and who is the voice of the
singing Grinch?
2) Where do the Whos live?
3) How does the star get put on the tree in Cindy Lou's house?
4) What direction is the moutain where the Grinch lives relative to the
5) What possibilities exist for the Grinch being so mean (three
6) What's is the Grinch's dog's name?
7) What is the Grinch's main complaint about Christmas?
8) What do the Whos eat at their Christmas feast (what foods are named
by the narrator)?
9) How many people does it take to deliver the special treat to Cindy
Lou Who, and what was it?
10) What does the Grinch hate "most of all" about the Whos and
11) How old is the Grinch (or at least, how long has he been on the
12) The grinch is as cuddly as a ........, as charming as an ......., a
bad bananna with a ........, his heart is ........, his brain is full of
........., what does he have in his soul, and what length pole would the
narrator not touch the Grinch with?
13) Does the Grinch have any problems getting into the house?
14) What's the first thing the Grinch takes from the first house? (And
who's {no pun intended} house is it?)
15) How many bags at a time come out of the chimney, and how many get
dropped on the dog at a time?
16) The Grinch has what in his smile, he has the tender sweetness of a
........, he is the king of ....., what is his heart bloched with, and
what kind of sandwich is he likened to?
17) When he raids the icebox, we find another food item of the Whos ..
what is it?
18) How old is Cindy Lou Who?
19) What is the Grinch doing when Cindy Lou catches him?
20) What "story" does the Grinch give to her to explain his
21) What is the last thing that the Grinch took in that first house?
22) What are the three words the singer uses to describe the Grinch?
23) How tall is the Grinch's Mountain, and what is it's name?
24) What is the noise that the Grinch "simply must hear"?
25) How did the Ginch find the strength he needed to keep the sled from
sliding .. and how much strength did he get?
26) What honor was bestowed upon the Grinch for returning Christmas to
the Whos?