Annotated Schedule for Contemporary Physics (PHY3653 01)- Fall 2011

Last Updated = Wednesday, 02-Nov-2011 06:20:27 EDT






Chapter 12 - Nuclear Structure

Concentrate on :

  • Introduction
         Discussion - p. 374
  • Sec 12.1 Nuclear Constituents
         neutrons, protons, nucleons (oh my!) - isotopes
  • Sec 12.2 Nuclear sizes and shapes - average nuclear density = constant
  • Sec 12.3 Nuclear masses and binding energies
         nuclear binding energy formula (eq. 12.4) - conversion factor
         Dr. Scott's favorite graph in all of Contemporary Physics - Figure 12.4 - it is awesome!!!
  • Sec 12.4 Nuclear Force {subject of a recent Nobel Prize!}
         characteristics of the force
         exchange particle/force - mass estimate
  • Sec 12.5 Radioactive Decay
         stable isotope chart - Figure 12.7
         activity and radioactive decay law - half life - dating of rocks

Suggested problems Chapter 12 :
   1, 7, 15, 17, 23, 25



Chapter 12 - Nuclear Structure (continued)
Concentrate on :

Suggested problems Chapter 12 :
   1, 7, 15, 17, 23, 25



Chapter 13 Nuclear reactions

  • Sec 13.1 Types of reactions
         equation type - p. 412
         cross-sections/probabilities - Figure 13.3
  • Sec 13.3 Low Energy Reaction Kinematics
         defs of exothermic/exoergic or endothermic/endoergic
         threshold energy - eq 13.14 - example 13.5
  • Sec 13.4 Fission
         liquid drop model (effective conceptual picture)
         useful features of fission reactions:
            energy dissipation, neutron multiplicity, delayed neutrons
         technological problems to overcome:
            enrichment, moderation, loss of neutrons
         types of reactors:
            boiling water, pressurized water, liquid metals
         natural fission reactor
  • Sec 13.5 Fusion
         carbon cycle
         fusion reactors (magnetic vs inertial confinement)
  • Sec 13.6 Applications of Nuclear Physics
         Alpha decay applications
         creation of synthetic elements



Chap 14 Elementary Particles
Concentrate on :

  • Introduction
         features of atoms (spectra) lead to theories - features of nuclei -> strong force?
            features of nucleons -> Standard Model?
  • Sec 14.1 Four basic food groups (I mean Forces!)
         weak to strong: gravity, weak, electromag, strong
         ranges vs timescales of interactions
         represent interactions by exchange of particles
  • Sec 14.2 Particles/Anti-Particles
         attempt to classify by weight (leptons, mesons, baryons)
         classification by spin (half, integer, half-integer)
         classify by their anti-particles - annihilation - anti-hydrogen?
         use "ordinary" matter to sort out who is a particle and who is an anti-particle
  • Sec 14.3 Families of Particles
         classify by interactions with various forces
         LEPTONS (electron, muon, tau, plus neutrinos for each)
         MESONS (pions, Kaons, rho, D, B, etc.)
         BARYONS (protons, neutrons, sigma, delta, etc.)
  • Sec 14.4 Conservation Laws
         Lepton number conserved (be careful of type of lepton also!)
         baryon number conserved
         meson number not conserved (but some meson reactions not allowed - add STRANGENESS)



Chap 14 Elementary Particles (continued)
Concentrate on :

  • Sec 14.8 Quark Model
         plot strangeness against charge - see patterns
         can make mesons/baryons from combination of 3 quarks (for now, add 3 more later): up, down, strange
         partial charges, 1/2 spin, partial baryon number
         to create heavy mesons, need charmed quark
         for Y mesons - need bottom (beauty) quark
         finally add top quark (truth) - weighs same as a gold nucleus!
         evidence for quarks - scattering - like Rutherford!
         Old names for quarks and anti-quarks   Chart version
         Timeline of elementary particle discoveries
         Brief origin of names (not of old names though)
         Another origin page - explanation of why the old names were abandoned ...
  • Sec 14.9 Standard Model
         group ordinary matter with electron/neutrino and two quarks (u,d)
         next level of energy - muon/neutrino and (c,s)
         next level of energy - tau/neutrino and (t,b)
         quantum chromodynamics - gluons hold quarks together (colors associated .. like charge, but 3 of them)
         standard model = 6 leptons, 6 quarks + field particles (photon, 3 weak bosons, 8 gluons)
         electroweak theory brings electromag and weak force together
         GUT = join electro weak with strong
         join gravity to GUT and get yourself a Nobel Prize!

Elementary Particles - "Particle Zoo" handout (images from textbook)

Conservation Law Worksheet - Elementary Particles
Answer sheet for worksheet above (don't peek!)

Suggested problems Chapter 14 :    TBA

Wed 11/30  Test 3

Test 3 - Wed 11/30/2011 - Chapters 9-14

Test topics : ... bring periodic table/chart sheet!

  • alpha decays, beta decays (all three: positive, negative, EC) (calculational)
  • natural decay chain (calculational)
  • general exponential decays (half-life stuff) (calculational)
  • radioactive dating (calculational)
  • useful features/hurdles of fission (conceptual)
  • containment mechanisms for fusion (conceptual)
  • applications of nuclear science (conceptual)

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