Circular Motion Vectors


[First Maximize this Window. [Wait until the applet loads completely {you will see a message down in the status bar at the bottom of this window saying "Applet Animator started" before pressing [Start] button.]

Note on Buttons: When buttons are discussed in the text below they will be shown with the word enclosed by brackets all bolded. So the "play button" will be indicated by [play] .

A ball moves in a circle with a tangential acceleration at shown below in the first input box to the left of the graph window in units of m/s 2.

The Clock Time is shown in the upper left corner of the graph. Time = 0 coincides with pushing the [play] or the [Start].

If you press the [pause] to temporarily stop the motion, you can then [step>>] or [<<step] through the motion one frame at a time. This allows you to easily determine the position of the ball at any time. Press the [reset] to set the time back to the beginning (Time=0).

You can change the initial conditions for the ball with the input windows on the left side of the graph. However you must press the [Uptate] below them to make these changes effective. The velocity vector is blue. The acceleration vector and its components are a, at, ac are green .

Note: The since the units of the velocity and acceleration are different from each other, the lengths of these vectors are are unrelated to the actual distances on the graph. However all the acceleration vectors are proportional to each other. All the vectors point in the correct direction.
IMPORTANT:Scroll down so that all of the graph and the buttons below it are visible. Then press [Start].

Magnitude of the
Tangential Acceleration = |at| =   m/s 2

When Checked, the tangential acceleration vector will point in the -S direction.
Otherwise, it will point in the +S direction. .

Initial Conditions

The Ball starts at some Arc length (So) measured along the circumferance counterclockwise from the x-axis at Time = 0 . A ghost image of the ball shows the starting position.

    Initial Arc length (So) from x-axis =   m.

Radius of the Circlular Motion   r =   m

   |V| = Initial Speed of ball =   m/s

Remember that centripital acceleration = |ac| = V 2/r

When Checked, the values of the vectors will be shown. .
