"Name the 'Big Bang'" contest entries A past issue of Sky and Telescope (S&T) Magazine has an article on the contest that the magazine held to rename the Big Bang. In the end they received over 13,000 entries but the judges (Timothy Ferris, a S&T columnist, Hugh Downs, 20/20 host and avid amateur astronomer and Carl [billions and billions] Sagan) found none of them to be better than the original "Big Bang", which was coined by an astronomer named Fred Hoyle. Some of the entries were very humorous : START (some trivial acronym regarding time) Big TOE (theory of everything) The NICK of Time (nature's initial cosmic kickstart) Whatchamajigger Trigger What happens if I press this button? Bob Elvis Bertha D. Universe Portrait of the Universe as a young Bam God's log-on The Big Boot God Fodder The Force BS (before Sagan) You're never going to get it all back in there again