PHY2423 02(3595) & 05(3602) &
Spring 2012
Dr Scott Schneider email: sschneide @ W: x3545 C: (248) 880-7177 My Office : S234
Main Univ 2 web site :
Text : PHYSICS for Scientists and Engineers, Paul Tipler (6th ed) The WEBASSIGN system will be used for online homeworks - you can get an E-BOOK with the Webassign registration/payment. We will primarily use Volume 2 of the textbook (but will also refer to Volume 1 for the Waves section). Those are the ONLY textbooks required by me (regardless of anything you might see in the bookstore).
PHY2423 Section 05 : Schedule: M WRF, 10:00 - 10:50 AM Classroom
: S223
PHY2423 Section
02/05 : Schedule: M WRF, 1:00 - 1:50 PM Classroom
: S221
Course Objectives: The course objectives can be downloaded here.
Weekly Schedule: Weekly schedule including test dates (Fridays - January 27st, February 14th, March 23th, April 20th).
General Weekly Univ 2 Schedule: (excel chart - in PDF format)
Univ 2 Schedule (Test Period 1): (excel chart - in PDF format)
Univ 2 Schedule (Test Period 2): (excel chart - in PDF format)
Laptop Policy : I will be using laptops in class. You will be able to load the software on home machines if you wish, but there will be times in class when we refer to various web page simulations. Many of the group projects will involve the use of the laptops.
Cell Phone Policy: Cell phones should be turned off during class time - a ringing cell phone is a rude interruption to class.
Grading/Makeup policy : I believe there should be some flexibility built into the grading process, so I drop the lowest score in each grading category (except "single grades" like the final exam). The price tag for this is that there are no makeups in any of the categories. Also, at the end of the term, the final grades are figured mathematically (i.e. strict boundaries)as given by the information below, and the letter grades assigned accordingly. I don't believe in any "curving" strategies .. the numbers you get are the numbers you get.
Tests : Four one-hour exams plus a two-hour final exam. There are absolutely no makeups given for any tests - the lowest test grade will be dropped at the end. The exact topics for the exams will be announced ahead of time. There will be review time at the end of the two class periods before the exam. You should bring questions/problems to go over - there will be minimal formal review of topics.
Homework/Quizzes/Team Projects : A collection of
small assignments (some at-home, some in-class), sprinkled around the term.
There will also be team group work to be explained later. Team projects
are usually on Fridays (when we don't have an exam). I will be using WebAssign for
TUTORIALS (questions designed to get you ready for the quizzes - certain
threshold needs to be passed to gain access to the quizzes) - and QUIZZES (which are graded!!).
You are welcome to work together on TUTORIALS (though you'll get more
benefit from working them first on your own), but any work on QUIZZES must
be INDIVIDUAL WORK (I will explain what I mean by this in class)
If you miss more than one
class period in that week, you are ineligible to take the
team project.
Online Homework Quizzes: We will be having quizzes using WEBASSIGN - there is information posted on the Bb site. These quizzes will be announced in advance. But, you should be current in your reading and your suggested problems (also done in Webassign)! An e-book version of the text is included with the Webassign account.
Grading : Tests = 360 pts (120 each - drop 1 of 4) Quiz/Team
projects quizzes = ~150-200 pts Final = 120 pts (I'll use the
Bb grade center.)
The emphasis is on the tests (spread out through
the term). (roughly 650 points total) The final grade is based mathematically
(i.e. strict cutoffs)on the following point scale. The course is
graded on a +/- system :
A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ % > 93% 90% 87% 83% 80% 77% 73% 70% 67%
Calculators : You should have some sort of scientific calculator - capable of scientific notation, exponential, and logarithmic, and trig functions. You are allowed to use the calculators during the exams. You are not allowed to put any formulas into the calculators - see "formula sheet" policy. We will NOT be using the laptops during tests.
Formula sheets : For each of the tests, you are allowed to bring in one (1) 3x5 inch card (hand-written) containing any equations/notes that you wish. This offer is in the spirit of allowing you to concentrate on the concepts in the class, and not have to memorize certain formulas - this is not an exercise in miniaturization! [Save these through the term, you can use them again for the subsequent tests and the final exam. That is, for a given test, you can bring in the card for that test, as well as the cards from previous tests this term.]
Previous exams : Some previous exams that I have given are available on the Univ2 Blackboard page. They are merely offered as problems that I have given in the past .. I don't assume you have looked at them, nor are they a predictor of future problems. Also, I have made adjustments to how this course will be taught this term, thus the nature of the tests will be somewhat different.
Cheating : I do not tolerate any cheating in my class. I try to provide a learning environment, and will not waste time with an individual trying to circumvent the system! See the LTU Academic Honor Code page for the official policy (which can be downloaded as a PDF).
Academic Honor Code: For the appropriate assignments, you should write the following pledge: "I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in completing this work, nor have I presented someone else's work as my own."
Leadership Transcripts: The leadership transcript enables students to track co-curricular activities that are undertaken above-and-beyond the requirements of the LTU curriculum. The leadership transcript serves students by enhancing the leadership portfolio; providing the opportunity for a transcript of distinction; enhancing their resumes; and assisting in articulating leadership experience. It can be accessed by logging on to Banner Web and clicking the Student and Financial Aid tab. Leadership Activities is located at the bottom of the list. More information is available at
Last Day to Drop : Monday April 9th, 2012. I will post your grades periodically, so you should be able to judge your progress.
Email addresses: I will primarily use the Blackboard system to send out email messages - you can change the address in Blackboard to any (single) external email address you want. It is your responsibility to check all your email addresses frequently. (Note : most official email sent from other parts of LTU will go to your LTU email address - it is only the teachers that have access to the Blackboard addresses.)
Final Exam Day : [1PM
Section: Wednesday May
9th, 2012 1:00pm-3:00pm] [10AM Section: Tuesday May
8th, 2012 10:30am-12:30pm] (2 hour final) - as
opposed to a three hour tour ... a three hour tour.
For the final exam, you will be offered (in last week of classes) an
8 1/2 x 11 pdf that has pre-printed equations - you may hand-write
anything else you wish on that, on one side no photo-copying. You
can also use the accumulated equation index cards, plus one more for the
material after the last test (thus five "3inch x 5 inch"
handwritten cards).
Daylight Saving Time Change : March 11th, 2012
Office hours : Monday/Wednesday, Thursday 2-3PM- held in the AAC (the artist formerly known as the Tutoring Center , and originally known as the AAC). [Get the most current office hours here.] Otherwise, Im not usually a hard person to find .. Or, you can use this appointment schedule website to set up a meeting!
EMAIL - Use your EMAIL often - I will use it for this class an average of once a week! Regular messages or grades -> Blackboard email address.
Recommendation : Read the book early and read the book
It would be better to skim the chapter a few times, each time
picking up more information.
Purpose of the Lecture time : I will use the lecture time to work on important concepts in the material we are studying, and helping you understand the various calculations that are useful. I expect you to have read the material ahead of time, and thought about it - I will not be spoon-feeding information in class - you have a responsibility to keep up with your chapter reading in this course. The detailed schedules show the specific parts of the chapter sections that we will be looking at in class. If you don't keep up with the reading, you will be lost in class, and wasting your time in this course.
Questions/comments : If you have any problems/questions/comments/suggestions/etc. COME SEE ME! or Contact me at