PHY 2413 -02 (CRN=1769)Fall
Dr Scott Schneider email: sschneide @ W: x3545 Cell/Text: (248) 880-7177 My Office : S234
Main Univ 1 web site :
Text : PHYSICS for Scientists and Engineers, Tipler/Mosca (6th ed) You are not required to bring the book to class every day, but there may be times when you will want to refer to it in class (such as review times before exams). The "Study guide" is NOT required for the course (even though the bookstore might claim it is). I will NOT be referring to the study guide at all, and I am NOT assuming you have it. The WEBASSIGN system will be used for online homeworks - you can get an E-BOOK with the Webassign registration/payment, as well as a paper version.
PHY2413 : Schedule: M WRF, 10:00 - 10:50
AM Classroom : S314 (Here!)
Course Objectives: The course objectives can be downloaded here.
Weekly Schedule: Weekly schedule including test dates (T1 = Thurs 09/15, T2 = Fri 10/14, T3 = Fri 11/18).
Weekly University 1 Schedule: (excel chart - in PDF format)
Laptop Policy : I will be using laptops in class. There will be "bare bones" notes provided, and I will be inking notes on the overhead [the inked notes will NOT be available to students - but an audio podcast will.] There will be times in class when we refer to various web page simulations. Many of the group/team projects will involve the use of the laptops.
Cell Phone Policy: Cell phones should be turned off during class time - a ringing cell phone is a rude interruption to class.
Grading/Makeup policy : I believe there should be some flexibility built into the grading process, so I drop the lowest score in each grading category (except "single grades" like the final exam). The price tag for this is that there are no makeups in any of the categories. Also, at the end of the term, the final grades are figured mathematically (i.e. strict boundaries)as given by the information below, and the letter grades assigned accordingly. I don't believe in any "curving" strategies .. the numbers you get are the numbers you get.
Tests : Three one-hour exams plus a two-hour final exam. There are absolutely no makeups given for any tests - the lowest test grade will be dropped at the end. The exact topics for the exams will be announced ahead of time. There will be review time at the end of the two class periods before the exam. You should bring questions/problems to go over - there will be minimal formal review of topics.
Homework/Quizzes/Team Projects : A collection of small
assignments (some at-home, some in-class), sprinkled around the term.
There will also be Team work to be explained later. Team projects are on
Friday (when we don't have an exam). I would prefer that you work on
Homeworks alone, but that is not a requirement, but copying the
assignments will not gain you any knowledge. Each person should have
neat, individual work to turn in.
*** If you miss more
than one class period in that week, you are ineligible to take
the group/team project.
Online Homework Quizzes: We will be having reading/homework quizzes using WEBASSIGN - you are required to purchase a copy if it didn't get bundled with the textbook - more info on this soon. These quizzes will be announced in advance. But, you should be current in your reading and your suggested problems! An e-book version of the text can be purchased from the Webassign site (including a paper copy if desired).
Grading : Tests = 240 pts (120 each - drop 1 of 3)
HW/team/surveys/quizzes = ~120-180 pts (depending on how many we have)
Final = 120 pts
(Roughly 450-530 points total) The final grade is
based mathematically (i.e. strict cutoffs)on the following point
scale. The course is graded on a +/- system :
A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ % > 93% 90% 87% 83% 80% 77% 73% 70% 67%
Calculators : You should have some sort of scientific calculator - capable of scientific notation, exponential, and logarithmic, and trig functions. You are allowed to use the calculators during the exams. You are not allowed to put any formulas into the calculators - see "formula sheet" policy. You will NOT be using the laptops during tests.
Formula sheets : For each of the tests, you are allowed to bring in one (1) 3x5 inch card (hand-written) containing any equations/notes that you wish. This offer is in the spirit of allowing you to concentrate on the concepts in the class, and not have to memorize certain formulas - this is not an exercise in miniaturization! (You can save these and use these on later exams and on the final exam.)
Previous exams : Some previous exams that I have given will be available on the main Blackboard Univ1 page. They are merely offered as problems that I have given in the past .. I don't assume you have looked at them, nor are they a predictor of future problems. I have put the exams from the last two terms I taught this course (further back than that might not accurately reflect the material).
Cheating : I do not tolerate any cheating in my class. I try to provide a learning environment, and will not waste time with an individual trying to circumvent the system! See the LTU Academic Honor Code page for the official policy (which can be downloaded as a PDF).
Last Day to Drop with a W: Wed Nov, 30 th , 2011. I will post your grades periodically, so you should be able to judge your progress.
Email addresses: I will primarily use the Blackboard system to send out email messages - you can change the address in Blackboard to any (single) external email address you want. I will most likely use the grade center in Blackboard - thus you can keep current with your grades. (Note : most official email sent from other parts of LTU will go to your LTU email address - it is only the teachers that have access to the Blackboard addresses. If you wish to use an outside email, you should consider forwarding your LTU email there.)
Final Exam Day : Tuesday, December 20th,
2011 - from 10:30 AM-12:30 PM. - S314
For the final exam, you will be given (in last week of classes) an 8
1/2 x 11 sheet of paper that has pre-printed equations - you may hand-write
anything else you wish on that, on one side no photo-copying. You
can also use the accumulated equation index cards, plus one more for the
material after the last test. (Thus, a total of 4 3"x5" cards .. that more
real estate than the sheet!)
Daylight Savings Time Change : November 6th, 2011 (See here - check out the cool "nodes"!.)
Office hours : Initially ... Mon 4-5pm Wed 9-10am Thurs 11-12 noon - held in the AAC (depending on how long you have been here, this used to be the Learning Center .. and then before that it was the AAC!). [Get the most current office hours here.] Otherwise, I'm not usually a hard person to find .. Or, you can use this appointment schedule website to set up a meeting!
EMAIL - Use your EMAIL often - I will use it for this class an average of once a week! Regular messages -> Blackboard email address.
Recommendation : Read the book early and read the book
It would be better to skim the chapter a few times, each time
picking up more information.
Purpose of the Lecture time : I will use the lecture time to work on important concepts in the material we are studying, and helping you understand the various calculations that are useful. I expect you to have read the material ahead of time, and thought about it - I would much rather spend the time in class working on questions from you than just reciting what you can read yourself in the book.
Questions/comments : If you have any problems/questions/comments/suggestions/etc. COME SEE ME! or Contact me at