Great American Solar Eclipse - 2017

Last Updated = Monday, 21-Aug-2017 08:43:39 EDT         Of the 287 people that have visited this site, you are the most recent.

Dr. Scott's email ... sschneide @

I'm back in civilization and will be updating with more information as it comes in!

Main eclipse page (may get very busy in next couple of days!) -

 Here is another page - also currently getting slammed with traffic:

Viewing in the Quad  [Open to the Public!!] We will be setting up in the quad at LTU - look for the blue canopy - Monday 08/21/17 starting a little before 1pm. Eclipse stats for us in Southfield are shown below. The moment of max coverage will be 2:27 PM, but the Moon will creep over the face of the sun starting at 1:03, and will leave it at 3:47 pm (weather permitting, we will see all of that!). I used that "interactive google map" link below to show these stats. You can find the LTU campus (basically corner of 10 mile and the Lodge-10 freeway) via our school map page:  Also, below I'll post an image of the map, with an indicator of where you should find us in the center quad (park in Science building parking lot, off the southbound service drive to the Lodge .. or the lot just north of that).

Slightly revised location for Telescopes .. as it will be hot on Monday (and *hopefully* sunny!!) - wanted to have area where people could more easily escape the sun - so there is an archway between Science and the new STEM building.

Eye Safety!! The most important thing is EYE SAFETY!! Use certified solar glasses (we have them) - Must say ISO 12312-2 on them!! Don't *stare* at the sun for extended times, even with filters .. a minute at a time, then look away. In Detroit (or any place outside the path of totality), NEVER look at the sun without the filters, even at the most covered!! {In the path of totality, there is a brief time during totality where you can look without the glasses, we aren't that lucky!}

I have more than 150 safe solar viewers available .. certainly we will have them to USE .. if supplies last, we can let people keep them. If you have some ISO-certified glasses already, please bring them (or if you can find them *easily*) - but assume everyone will at least be able to look through viewers!  See links below for info on the viewers.

Plus, we will have two telescopes that are set with solar filters, thus you'll be able to see a magnified view of the sun!  Now, these viewers are "white light" viewers - means we will only see the crescent of the sun as the eclipse progresses .. we won't see any prominiences from the surface .. but, if we are lucky, there might be some sun spots, and we would be able to see those!!

So, I predicted the future!! It looks like we DO have sunspots, should be basically in the middle of the solar disk .. this will be cool - means we can watch as the moon's disk covers up the sunspots in the sunspot group, one by one .. then at the end, after the maximum .. they will pop into view after the moon passes! Here is an image from Thursday - the sunspot group will move to the right .. and listed Earth and Jupiter for size comparisons!

And, we are back to our original location in the middle of the Quad - didn't realize a Fraternity was going to grab the patio! Doh!

Viewing times, by location - google map for anywhere in the US! (Or, in case you get clouded out, there will be live streams from around the country.)

Other links that might be of interest!

Twitter Links that might be of interest!

Apps (android or iphone) that might be of interest!

Projects that might be of interest!

Interesting Screenshots (mostly from that twitter feed above) that might be of interest!

All the eclipse paths for this century (look at 2024!! April 8th, a Monday)
Eclipse 2017 LTU info

Here is the crossover location for this eclipse and the next one!
Eclipse 2017 LTU info

It has been 92 years since Michigan had a total eclipse path!
Eclipse 2017 LTU info

If you wait long enough .. you'll get an eclipse near you .. but, in the last 2000+ years, looks as though Detroit has gotten skunked!
Eclipse 2017 LTU info