How do I ... "Unzero" the Motion Detector

Oops - you hit the "Zero All Sensors" by mistake, right?

We almost always want to only zero the Force probe - not the Motion detector (distance) - since we don't usually have a set starting point for our objects.

If you "zero all sensors" you will have this "false zero" for the Motion detector - whatever the "reading" was at that moment when you zeroed.

So, how do we get rid of that ?

zero button

Click on the SETUP SENSORS button next to Collect

This is a brute force method - first "delete" the motion detector, and then "add" the motion detector back again. It comes in with the proper original "zero".

Setup Sensors

"Removing" the Motion Detector

Click on PORT 2 (you should see a "black border" around it, and the Sensor box should fill with Motion Detector). In that Sensor dropdown list - go up to the top where it says NONE.

Don't leave this screen, we have more work to do ...

Delete Motion Detector

Adding back the Motion Detector

Now go back down that list and find the Motion detector again!

[By saying "None", in the previous step, we disconnected the ULI from that bad zero reading - by selecting the Motion Detector again, we've said, "Hey I'd like that spiffy original calibration please!", thus resetting the Motion Detector.]

The motion detector should be ready to use again!

This is a brute force way to do it, if someone finds a more elegant way, please let me know at!

Setting up the Motion Detector

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