How do I change the graph options in Logger Pro?

How do I change the graph layout (how many panes are showing on the screen, and in what orientation)?

  1. Go to the VIEW menu item
  2. Select GRAPH LAYOUT
  3. Select the number of panes/orientation that you want.

Change Graph Layout

How do I change graph variables and graph scales?

  • Double-click in the middle of the graph pane you want to modify.
  • Select Axis Options tab
  • You can change the variable being plotted on the Y axis (#1) and the scaling for the Y axis (#2) and the X axis variable (#3) and scaling (#4).
  • (We usually manually set the scales to get better control over the view.)

Change Graph Axis options

Is there another way to change the scale?

  1. Click on the "axis" itself (X or Y) .. i.e., click one one of the values but NOT the end values.
  2. This brings up a dialog box with the scaling choices for just that axis.
  3. Make whatever changes you want.

Click on Axis to rescale

Hey, isn't there an even EASIER way to quickly set the end of the range?

  1. Click on one of the end values of the axis.
  2. A "text box" appears where you can type in a new value.
  3. Then press ENTER, or click outside the box to accept that value.

Rescale by clicking on value

Can I get thicker lines on the graphs?

  1. Go to the FILE menu, select PREFERENCES.
  2. A "text box" appears where you can type in a new value.
  3. Then press ENTER, or click outside the box to accept that value.

Rescale by clicking on value

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