Introduction to Astronomy Lab (PHY1221) - Spring 2009

General information :

Laptop Policy - The laptops will be uses extensively in this lab class, either for online interactive tutorials or on-laptop simulations using the Skygazer software.

Astronomy Lab Spring 2009 Schedule

Dates Lab Due Lab experiment Mastering Astronomy:
Interactive Figures
Voyager: Skygazer
Tues-01/13     No Labs this week    
Tues-01/20    Lab 1 - IF1: Scale of Solar System / VS1: Introducing Skygazer IF 1 VS 1
Tues-01/27 1  Lab 2 - VS2: Motions of Stars / VS4: Motions of the Sun   VS 2, 4
See BB "Lab Manual" for hinted-sheets
Tues-02/03 2  Lab 3 - Seasons (plus Lunar Phases) IF 2 (sun illumination) VS 7, VS 10
Tues-02/10 3  Lab 4 - Eclipses (Solar/Lunar)   VS 11, VS 12
Tues-02/17 4  Lab 5 - Inferior and Superior Planets   SG-13 and 14
Tues-02/24 5  Lab 6: Observing Planets / Wien's Law / Doppler IF A Wien's Law
IF B Star Motion Doppler Effect
Tues-03/03 6  Lab 7: Transits, Asteroids, Comets IF 13 Planet Transits SG-16 - Asteroids/Comets
Tues-03/10     Spring Break - No Labs this week TBA TBA
Tues-03/17 7  Lab 8: HR Diagram IF 15 - Main sequence Stars TBA
Tues-03/24 8  Lab 9: Curvature of Spacetime IF 18 - Altering Curvature of Spacetime TBA
Tues-03/31 9  Lab 10: Galaxy Formation IF 21- Galaxy Rotation TBA
Tues-04/14 11  Lab 11: Hubble's Constant + Galaxy Rotations IF 20- Hubble's Constant
IF 16.1ABC (Schneider Version) - Rotation Curves
Tues-04/21 12  Lab 12: TBA TBA TBA
Tues-04/28 13  NO LAB TBA TBA

Astronomy Lab -Schedule for SPRING 2009 : Tuesday 2:00-3:50 PM - Dr. Scott - S211

** Last day for Withdrawal with a 'W' is Monday April 6th, 2009 **

Last Updated = Sunday, 12-Apr-2009 10:47:56 EDT
Location :

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